by Ava Eucker | Mar 31, 2024 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management, Landscapes and Food Systems
In the heart of Mexico’s idyllic Sierra Gorda region, the smell of gorditas wafts from a small roadside eatery. Barro (“mud”) walls of earth trap warmth in winter, and locals and tourists fill the cozy space. Viviana Aguas Monroy, the eatery’s owner and head chef, is...
by Shannon Sutherland | Mar 27, 2024 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management
Ah, avocados: From toppings for Millenials’ toast to a tortilla chip’s perfect pairing, it’s impossible to ignore their steadily increasing demand. Americans consume nearly 80 million pounds of avocados on Super Bowl Sunday alone. While guacamole might be a regular...
by Shannon Sutherland | Nov 21, 2023 | 1000L News, Events, Finance and Economics, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management
This year brought another wave of unprecedented extreme weather events to landscapes worldwide, from catastrophic floods in Libya to the EU’s hottest summer on record, with far-reaching impacts for people and the planet alike. Climate finance will need to increase...
by Tom Derr, John Recha | Mar 16, 2023 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management
In December 2022, Kenya’s recently elected president Dr. William Ruto pledged to plant 15 billion trees within a decade. His commitment is part of the country’s ambitious effort to restore 5.1 million hectares (19,700 square miles) of deforested and...
by Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners), Natalia Ruiz Guevara (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo), Leonardo Durán (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo) | Mar 10, 2023 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management, Partner News
Enclavado en el corazón del eje cafetero de Colombia, al oeste de la bulliciosa capital, Bogotá, el paisaje del Departamento de Risaralda alberga una impresionante diversidad de ecosistemas, culturas y economías. La región abarca ciudades, campos de cultivo,...