Once LP stakeholders have a comfortable level of shared understanding of the biophysical and social environment, the challenges and opportunities, and the motivations of other stakeholders, they are ready to develop a joint vision for the landscape. The landscape Vision should be long-term—a generation or more—the time required for transformative change. The high-level vision frames the desired future, the most valued features and functions of the landscape–for its people, its economy, and for nature. Read More
Suggested tools that can help achieve this output
- Inspiration: The story of alvelal's 20-year vision creation
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- Visioning Tool
- Why 20+ years?
Some public, private and civic projects in the Landscape Action Plan can self-finance or access their usual sources of finance to implement their commitments to the Plan. But others require focused efforts to mobilize the needed finance. The LP may need to mobilize collective action to secure the additional funding, from local, national or international sources.
For example, if local banks have a line of credit for conventional coffee production, but not for coffee in agroforestry systems, a group of LP members may need to work with the bank to develop a new line of credit. Projects to be collaboratively funded by different government agencies may require administrative harmonization. To achieve transformational change may involve a large and ambitious landscape investment portfolio, requiring larger and long-term finance. Solutions might include mobilizing large development bank funding, organizing special landscape investment funds, aligning territory-wide public budgets, long-term grant funding to support LP organization, or blended or coordinated public-private-civic finance agreements.
To secure such resources, a separate Landscape Finance Strategy may need to be defined, with clear responsibilities for action. This will often involve finding allies in the financial sector and with finance expertise: individuals and institutions aligned with the Landscape Vision and Strategy. These allies can help design the finance strategy, design and develop new financial mechanisms, and identify suitable sources of funding.
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Suggested tools that can help achieve this output
- BioFin Catalogue of Finance Solutions
- BioFin: Steps 6.3-6.5
- Landscape Assessment of Financial Flows Phase 1
- Land-use Finance Tool
- Landscape Investment Finance Toolkit