The 1000 Landscapes Offerings Catalogue

Tools, Training and Resources for the Landscape Movement

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Offerings> Section 1

Introduction: Building a Global Movement to Transform Landscapes

As the world grapples with climate change, threatened food systems, biodiversity loss, ecosystem destruction, poverty, and water insecurity, the need for innovative and unified solutions has never been more urgent. The sustainability of people and the planet depends on a shared foundation of land and water resources. Traditional fragmented approaches, often isolated, uninformed by, or even harming local and Indigenous actors, have proven inadequate at generating effective solutions.

Yet fresh hope emerges through the innovative action of locally-led landscape and seascape partnerships (LPs). LPs operate at the level of landscapes and seascapes–mosaics of social and ecological systems where natural habitats, agriculture, productive land use, and human settlements intersect. Landscapes encompass diverse sectors, scales, and systems, offering an effective scale for place-based, systemic innovation. Local people come together to find and champion holistic strategies to manage landscapes, departing from top-down sectoral management and achieving four returns for their communities: human well-being, healthy nature, regenerative agriculture and economies, and inspiration.

Despite their promise, LPs often lack capacity, resources, finance, and backing from national governments and businesses. Data and software tools–so impactful in other sectors–are hardly available for local land managers. More and more organizations, networks, and institutions have begun offering their support. But their actions remain fragmented and short-term, lacking the ambition, resources, and orchestration needed for a cohesive movement that generates impact at scale.

Over the past four years, our coalition of over forty partners has reviewed, designed, and tested a suite of capacity strengthening, finance, coalition building, and digital tools, methodologies, and frameworks to accelerate the impact of LPs. The offerings summarized in this catalog reflect the outputs of our collaborative efforts. They provide powerful tools, resources, and services that make the landscape management process easier, more effective, and more inclusive. Please contact us if your organization has resources, tools, or training materials related to landscape management. We have a standardized framework, process, template, and review process to integrate resources from aligned organizations, and we would love to include yours as well.

Who should use this Guide

1000L’s growing portfolio of tools, resources, and services is valuable to many potential users. We invite everyone to peruse this catalog and find offerings to help you and your organization reach your landscape-based objectives.

Here are just a few of the groups who will find utility in our work:


Citizens seeking to learn how to harness Integrated Landscape Management and the 4 Returns Framework to improve their communities. Go to the section on Understanding ILM.

Nonprofit and government staff

Nonprofit and government staff working on programs fostering climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, regenerative food systems and agriculture, sustainable development, and alleviating rural poverty. Start with Understanding ILM to learn how it can help.

Established Landscape Leaders and Partnerships

Established Landscape Leaders and Partnerships searching for practical guidance and tools for implementing ILM. Go to the section on Implementing ILM.

Officers of finance institutions

Officers of finance institutions combing the world for better, more sustainable ways to invest. Go to the section on Investing in LPs and the Landscape Movement.

Business leaders

Business leaders interested in bolstering their business practices and supply chains by working through a framework that builds resilience into their operations. Go to the section on Investing in LPs and the Landscape Movement.

Access and Cost

All 1000L resources have been produced using an open Creative Commons license under the Creative Commons guidelines. Many of our offerings benefit from direct advising and mentorship from the 1000L team to adapt, translate, and implement.

While all of our tools and resources are free, support and consultation by 1000L partners may require compensation. To connect with our team and learn more about integrating our offerings into your programs or LP, contact Tom Miewald, Director of the 1000L Hub, at

Contents Overview

The tools, resources, and services in this catalogue will help you and your organization reach your sustainability and economic development objectives.

Understanding Integrated Landscape Management and Finance

Implementing Integrated Landscape Management and Finance

  • Get started
  • Dive deeper: Capacity strengthening for landscapes
  • Preview the Landscape Finance Accelerator
  • Explore Terraso digital tools
  • Learn about LandScale

Investing in Landscape Partnerships and the Landscape Movement

  • Resources offering recommendations and blueprints to inspire financial actors, policymakers, and businesses to strengthen support for holistic action in landscapes.
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