Finance Strategy for the Priority Actions in the Alto Mayo Landscape
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Capital Continuum Advisers
The Landscape Finance Strategy for the Alto Mayo Landscape presents a roadmap for financing sustainable development in Peru’s San Martín region, outlining approaches that combine public, private, and philanthropic funding to support small farmers, protect ecosystems, and enhance regional resilience. With an anticipated investment of $67 million generating $135 million in benefits over 20 years, this strategy offers a scalable model for sustainable landscape finance. Through extensive economic analyses, this report explores strategies for balancing economic growth with environmental conservation by improving agricultural practices, securing long-term funding for conservation areas, and prioritizing infrastructure investments.
Estrategia de Financiamento para Acciones Prioritarias en el Paisaje del Alto Mayo
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Capital Continuum Advisers
La Estrategia de Financiamiento para Acciones Prioritarias en el Paisaje del Alto Mayo traza una hoja de ruta para movilizar recursos hacia el desarrollo sostenible en la región de San Martín, Perú. Conscientes de la necesidad de financiamiento para alcanzar este objetivo, la estrategia impulsa enfoques que integran recursos públicos, privados y filantrópicos con el fin de fortalecer el apoyo a los pequeños agricultores, conservar los ecosistemas y mejorar la resiliencia regional frente al cambio climático.
Mediante herramientas de análisis económico y financiero, este informe identifica estrategias graduales para avanzar en acciones prioritarias que equilibren el crecimiento económico con la conservación del medio ambiente.
A Practical Guide to Integrated landscape Management
Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters
Working towards ILM requires reaching agreement on a shared landscape vision and strategy among stakeholders who have different and sometimes competing priorities, often with diverse interests, perspectives, influence, cultures and languages, and sometimes with histories of conflict. Though each landscape is singular, LPs all encounter common challenges in carrying out collaborative action. To make the process easier, more effective and more inclusive, the 1000L initiative offers this Practical Guide to ILM. The guide provides a generic, locally adaptable, conceptual process and practical guidance for carrying out ILM.
1000 Paisajes para mil millones de personas: Guía Práctica Para La Gestión integrada del paisaje
Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters
Esta guía describe cada uno de los cinco elementos del proceso de gestión integrada del paisaje. Para cada elemento, ilustramos de dos a cuatro resultados concretos que las LP pueden generar para demostrar el progreso, y brindamos materiales fundamentales para compartir con sus asociados.
Guia Prático para a Gestão Integrada de Paisagens
Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters
O Guia Prático para a Gestão Integrada de Paisagens apresenta um processo adaptativo, colaborativo e iterativo para ajudar as partes interessadas a gerar mudanças transformacionais em suas paisagens.
Integrated Landscape Management Tool Guide
Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters
Working towards ILM requires reaching agreement on a shared landscape vision and strategy among stakeholders who have different and sometimes competing priorities, often with diverse interests, perspectives, influence, cultures and languages, and sometimes with histories of conflict. Though each landscape is singular, LPs all encounter common challenges in carrying out collaborative action. A companion to the Practical Guide, this Tool Guide is a compilation of more than 100 practical tools and resources that support collaborative landscape planning and action. The guide’s purpose is to equip practitioners in the field with usable, practical tools and resources they may use to carry out ILM.
A Blueprint for Landscape Enterprise Networks
David Hecht, EcoAgriculture Partners
Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) create marketplaces that enable large corporations and government agencies (the demand-side) to identify and co-fund regenerative activities that address their core needs and shared risks in a landscape. To facilitate trade contracts, LENs break down landscape priorities into bite-sized transactable chunks within these landscapes.
Integrated Landscape Finance: Coordinated Funding to Multiply Large-scale Benefits
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People
Integrated landscape finance is a developing approach and set of tools to help finance multi-project, multi-sector investment portfolios aligned with locally-agreed objectives across the landscapes. The approach includes accessing new flows of funding, aligning existing flows, and mitigating harmful flows. Thus landscape finance strategies draw on actors across the finance continuum of public, private and civic sector institutions.
Mobilizing finance across sectors and projects to achieve sustainable landscapes: Emerging models
EcoAgriculture Partners, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People
This pioneering new report from EcoAgriculture Partners details models of financial mechanisms that can enable integrated, landscape-scale transformations. The study was conducted in collaboration with CPIC’s Landscape and Seascape working group, WWF’s Landscape Finance Lab and the 1000 Landscapes for One Billion People Initiative. While it identifies and describes a wide range of innovative models, there is still much more to learn about how they work, how they can work better, and how to scale them up so they can reach their full potential.
Executive Summary: The Role of a Landscape Bond in Financing Sustainable Land Use and Territorial Development
EcoAgriculture Partners, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People
This brief introduces the concept of a landscape bond, explains its importance, and outlines the entities that may issue the bond. This brief seeks to inform considerations for financial institutions, investment professionals, foundations, and other actors, exploring how to effectively shift funding towards multi-sectoral and place-based impact
Full Report: The Role of a Landscape Bond in Financing Sustainable Land Use and Territorial Development
EcoAgriculture Partners, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People
This paper introduces the concept of a landscape bond, explains its importance, who might issue the bond, and likely investors. The discussion highlights why a landscape bond’s Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) approach is uniquely positioned to address sustainability, biodiversity, and socioeconomic challenges. It explores how this instrument could serve those in the financial community, including investors seeking to address mandates, as well as landscape partnerships, national and regional governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), think tanks, and others interested in conservation finance.
Philanthropic Action for Thriving Landscapes: Notes and Ideas for Action
EcoAgriculture Partners, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, Climate-KIC
During Climate Week in New York City, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People (1000L) convened a group of philanthropists who actively support thriving landscapes for a lively dialogue. EcoAgriculture Partners and EIT Climate-KIC co-organized the event, hosted by CDP, on behalf of 1000L. The gathering included14 leaders from 12 grant-making and investing organizations, as well as 1000L leaders. This brief showcases insights and recommendations brought forth by participants during and after the session.
Toward Systemic Change in Landscape Finance
EcoAgriculture Partners, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People, Climate-KIC
This report aims to address current barriers to the effective implementation and scaled-up use of ILF by offering collaborative paths forward. It is based on 1000L’s Finance Solutions Team’s framework for mobilizing key actors to transform the finance system to support integrated landscape investments.
Landscape Collaboration for Regenerative Food Systems: Towards an Action Agenda
Regen10, 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People
To make food systems work for humanity we need new approaches: regenerative agriculture and agroecology production principles; dialogue to build shared understanding among actors; integrated frameworks for analysis, planning and action; and landscape partnerships to spearhead action. This report, produced together with Regen10, outlines insights and recommendations for driving large-scale transformation of global food systems through regenerative agriculture.
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People Strategy for Scaling Sustainable Landscape Solutions for People and Planet
Commonland, Conservation International, EcoAgriculture Partners, Landscape Finance Lab, Rainforest Alliance, Tech Matters
Recovering from the human and economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will require monumental investments and society-wide efforts. This presents a generational opportunity to ‘build back better’ with nature and people at the center.