by Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners), Shannon Sutherland | Oct 2, 2024 | Biodiversity and Landscapes, Finance and Economics, Landscape Finance, Landscape Partnerships
In our series, Demystifying Landscape Finance, leading voices on the frontlines of landscape finance reflect on what it will take to unite locally led, nature-based solutions with the right financial tools, infrastructure, and institutions to drive landscape-scale...
by Réka Blakemore | May 17, 2024 | 1000L News, Finance and Economics, Landscape Finance
As climate change’s impacts grow, leaders are pushing for increased financial resources that address the crisis while at the same time fostering biodiversity and rural development. 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People (1000L) launched an open letter to support this...
by Shannon Sutherland | Apr 19, 2024 | 1000L News, Biodiversity and Landscapes, Finance and Economics, Landscape Restoration and Management, Uncategorised
This is a translated article originally written as part of 1000L’s Forbes BrandVoice series. Read the English version here. —– Ah, los aguacates: Desde la guarnición de las tostadas de los Millenials hasta el maridaje perfecto de los chips de...
by Willem Ferwerda | Apr 3, 2024 | 1000L News, Finance and Economics, Landscape Finance, Landscape Restoration and Management
We all count on ecosystems — and the natural resources we extract from them — to provide humanity with what it needs to survive and thrive. From fertile soils to forests and raw materials underground, nature appears to be an endless fountain furnishing all that we...
by Ava Eucker | Mar 31, 2024 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management, Landscapes and Food Systems
In the heart of Mexico’s idyllic Sierra Gorda region, the smell of gorditas wafts from a small roadside eatery. Barro (“mud”) walls of earth trap warmth in winter, and locals and tourists fill the cozy space. Viviana Aguas Monroy, the eatery’s owner and head chef, is...