by Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners) | Jun 23, 2023 | 1000L News, Finance and Economics, Finance Team Newsletter, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management
Innovations continue to emerge in landscape finance, systems change, and the many related fields of place-based investment. Together with co-convener EcoAgriculture Partners, the 1000L Finance Solutions team is working to reimagine ways to fund landscape-level change....
by Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners), Natalia Ruiz Guevara (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo), Leonardo Durán (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo) | Mar 10, 2023 | 1000L News, Landscape Partnerships, Landscape Restoration and Management, Partner News
Enclavado en el corazón del eje cafetero de Colombia, al oeste de la bulliciosa capital, Bogotá, el paisaje del Departamento de Risaralda alberga una impresionante diversidad de ecosistemas, culturas y economías. La región abarca ciudades, campos de cultivo,...
by Natalia Ruiz Guevara (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo), Leonardo Durán (Red Latinoamericana de Bosques Modelo), Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners) | Mar 10, 2023 | Biodiversity and Landscapes, Events, Landscape Partnerships, Partner News
Nestled deep within the heart of Colombia’s coffee belt, west of the bustling capital of Bogota, the Risaralda landscape hosts an impressive diversity of ecosystems, cultures and economies. The region encompasses cities, rural farmland,indigenous communities and the...
by Juan Ramos (EcoAgriculture Partners) | Jul 7, 2021 | Finance and Economics
Rainforest Alliance and EcoAgriculture Partners hosted a high-level panel for the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The event was organized by the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative, which is committed to working with the UN Decade to...