Offerings> Section 4

Investing in Landscape Partnerships and the Landscape Movement

1000L Landscapes gradient divider
Effective ILM and ILF depend upon an enabling environment of capable actors working within and outside landscapes to collectively improve, advocate for, and implement policies and financial practices supporting LPs. The following resources offer recommendations and blueprints to inspire financial actors, policymakers, and businesses to strengthen support for holistic action in landscapes.
Woman photographing stalks of corn in a field

Investing in Landscape Partnerships and the Landscape Movement

Toward Systemic Change in Landscape Finance resource

Toward Systemic Change in Landscape Finance: 11 Areas for Collaborative Action

This report outlines 11 key areas where collaborative action is crucial for transforming the landscape finance system. By offering collaborative paths forward, it addresses current barriers to ILF’s effective implementation and scaled-up use. Financiers, local landscape leaders, and technical service providers will find specific actions that they can take in this document.
Philanthropic Action for Thriving Landscapes PDF

Philanthropic Action for Thriving Landscapes: Notes and Ideas for Action

During Climate Week in New York City, 1000L convened a group of philanthropists who actively support thriving landscapes for a lively dialogue on leveraging their unique roles to accelerate funding for LPs. The report draws from the discussion to outline five key ways that philanthropies can act strategically and collaboratively to generate impacts for landscapes at scale.

Towards Financing Large-Scale Holistic Landscape Restoration in Europe

Towards Financing Large-Scale Holistic Landscape Restoration in Europe: Recommendations for EU Policy Actors to Attain Inspirational, Social, Natural and Financial Returns

This report explains how European Union development funding should employ landscape finance because it can overcome obstacles in green finance and effectively support large-scale landscape restoration. Combining manufactured “grey” infrastructure with natural “green” infrastructure leads to greater financial, social, and environmental returns while mitigating risk. The report includes policy recommendations for EU actors to support holistic landscape restoration.
A Blueprint for Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs)

A Blueprint for Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs)

This blueprint breaks down the objectives, key elements, implementation stages, and landscape-level impact of Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs). LENs is a system to organize the buying and selling of nature-based solutions. It creates marketplaces that enable large corporations and government agencies to identify and co-fund regenerative activities that address their needs and shared risks in a landscape.
Landscape Bonds

The Role of a Landscape Bond in Financing Sustainable Land Use and Territorial Development

This blueprint breaks down the objectives, key elements, implementation stages, and landscape-level impact of Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs). LENs is a system to organize the buying and selling of nature-based solutions. It creates marketplaces that enable large corporations and government agencies to identify and co-fund regenerative activities that address their needs and shared risks in a landscape.

Lessons Learned from Integrated Landscape Finance to Advance the Global Biodiversity Framework

Lessons Learned from Integrated Landscape Finance to Advance the Global Biodiversity Framework

This report explains how ILF can inform countries’ biodiversity finance plans that they must create to achieve the goals set by the Global Biodiversity Framework. It aims to inform the transition to these more holistic plans by considering how ILF’s concepts, lessons, and tools can inform and strengthen planning to yield more effective, efficient, and equitable results for people and nature.

Synthesis Report Exploring the Potential of a Kenya PDF

Synthesis Report: Exploring the Potential of a Kenya Landscapes Coalition

This report details findings from a study on the feasibility of forming a national coalition of landscape partnerships in Kenya. Through focus group discussions with youth groups and interviews with representatives from landscapes across Kenya, 1000L found demand for a national-level coalition and identified key areas where a coalition could strengthen enabling conditions for ILM
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