Accelerating Finance for Thriving Landscapes: A Dialogue Series for Financial and Landscape Leaders
Around the world, climate change and the degradation of land, water, and ecosystem health are threatening social well-being and the economy. Innovations to reverse these trends and foster a regenerative economy are emerging, including in the investment and finance communities. Yet current efforts remain fragmented, modest in size, and weakly aligned with local needs and priorities.
While new financial flows toward regenerative agriculture, forestry, watershed management, climate change adaptation, and biodiversity conservation are growing rapidly, much larger financial flows that accelerate degradation undermine their impact. Financiers complain of a weak pipeline of investable projects, difficulties in achieving transformation impacts at scale, complex measurement of environmental and social impacts, high risks and inadequate support from public institutions.
Integrated landscape finance is one response to this challenge. Integrated landscape finance is an approach and set of tools that encourage synergies between investments to generate impacts on multiple objectives at the landscape scale. The approach emerges from the rapidly growing movement of locally led, multi-stakeholder partnerships that collaboratively manage their landscapes to regenerate nature, adapt to and mitigate climate change and support their communities’ social and economic development. They employ integrated landscape finance to mobilize financial resources of all kinds at speed and scale to reach their goals while minimizing risks for investors.
This three-part interactive series on integrated landscape finance for financial leaders will engage experts and explore the many challenges and opportunities of investing at a landscape scale. Partners from landscapes will share their experiences and challenges in building a portfolio of enabling and asset investments, developing an infrastructure for finance planning and working with finance actors in their landscape.
During the first dialogue (February 22, 2023) of the series, partners from landscapes will share their experience and challenges in building a landscape portfolio of enabling and asset investments, developing an infrastructure for finance planning and working with finance actors in their landscape. The second dialogue (April 26, 2023), will focus on innovative models and mechanisms for integrated landscape investment. During the third dialogue (June 08, 2023), participants will examine the current finance system and discuss gaps and opportunities to strengthen landscape-wide investments.
1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People (1000L), the IKEA Foundation and the Laudes Foundation are convening the dialogues. 1000L partners EcoAgriculture Partners, EIT Climate-KIC, Regenerative Development Group, Rainforest Alliance and Commonland are co-organizing the events.
Dialogue 1
Investing in Landscapes: A Challenge for Finance Innovation, A Wealth of Opportunity
February 22, 2023, 10-11:30 AM ET
During this dialogue, experienced landscape partnerships will share their experience and challenges in building a landscape portfolio of enabling and asset investments, developing an infrastructure for finance planning and working with finance actors in their landscape. Leaders from banks, bilateral and multilateral development funding agencies, companies, private impact investors, philanthropic foundations and landscape finance developers will then discuss learnings and strategies to maximize the impact of their investments, including through new connections among financial actors, in a moderated discussion.
Dialogue Resources:
Dialogue 2
Financial Mechanisms for Landscape Investment: Synergies to Increase Returns, Reduce Risks, and Enhance Impacts
April 26, 2023, 10-11:30 AM ET
The second dialogue will focus on models and mechanisms for funding landscape investment portfolios, including commercial and non-commercial projects. Innovative case examples will be shared, highlighting the roles of different actors in the finance system. They will address a variety of topics, including risk-return profiles of common investment types, risk mitigation, and integrated finance mechanisms. Speakers will also highlight key features of these mechanisms as well as how they can better align with landscape strategies and capture economic, social and ecological synergies among projects. Participants will discuss these topics further in a moderated discussion.
Dialogue Resources:
- White Paper: Mobilizing finance across sectors and projects to achieve sustainable landscapes: Emerging models
- Innovations in Integrated Landscape Finance Mechanisms
Dialogue 3
Filling the Gaps in Finance for Landscape Investment: New Strategies for Collaboration among Investors and Funders
June 2023, 10-11:30 AM ET
This dialogue will address the landscape finance system as a whole with a focus on strategic actions our community of finance and landscape experts can take to accelerate funding for locally-led, integrated landscape initiatives. A panel of landscape finance experts from the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People coalition will share examples from their experiences supporting local actors to build pipelines of investable landscape projects and drive commercial and non-commercial funding toward landscape activities. Participants from across the finance continuum will then draw upon their collective knowledge to devise strategies to catalyze greater investment in integrated landscapes at scale.