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Agricultural innovations and Technologies for the Integration of the Three Rio Conventions  at Landscape Scales 

Agricultural innovations and Technologies for the Integration of the Three Rio Conventions at Landscape Scales 

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The world is facing the triple challenges of biodiversity loss, climate change, and desertification. Innovations and technologies for adaptation to and mitigation of such challenges are critical to safeguard nature and people. Ecosystem-based approaches are most appropriate for delivering co-benefits for all the UN sustainable development goals, in particular Goal 15 (life on land), Goal 14 (Life below water), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). CGIAR, GCBC, 1000Landscapes and close partners have accumulated decades of knowledge and experience in developing innovations and technologies much needed to deliver the land degradation neutrality targets and mitigate droughts.

The side event will showcase agricultural innovations and technologies available to address the triple challenges, provided appropriate partnerships of landscape actors to co-develop bundles of integrated solutions that concomitantly deliver the 3 Rio conventions. It is particularly relevant to agenda item 3 (i.e., Promotion and strengthening of relationships with the other relevant conventions and international organizations, institutions and agencies) and agenda item 4 (i.e., Policy frameworks and thematic issues, including new emerging issues: grassland and rangeland) of the UNCCD sixteenth conference of parties. Innovations and technologies presented will include options to (a) transition to regenerative and circular agriculture and food systems at landscape scales to halt the environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, (b) protect and restore the natural capital for healthy ecosystems and climate resilience to deliver broad access to healthy diets and income opportunities within environmental limits, (3) reduce pollution related to agriculture and food systems and enhance One-health, and (4) address the root causes of environmental and socio-ecological issues.


Date And Time

2024-12-09 @ 09:00 AM to
2024-12-09 @ 10:30 AM



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