New Landscape Finance Strategy Reveals Opportunity to Unlock $135 Million in Benefits for Farmers, Nature and the Economy in Peru

New Landscape Finance Strategy Reveals Opportunity to Unlock $135 Million in Benefits for Farmers, Nature and the Economy in Peru

Alto Mayo, Peru—A groundbreaking plan to sustainably and profitably invest in Peru’s rural development has revealed an innovative approach that could yield 2:1 returns for backers.  A pilot study in the Alto Mayo landscape of northern Peru found that a multi-phase...
Guacamole, garantizado: Cómo los pequeños agricultores aportan el oro verde de México con datos, transparencia y colaboración

Guacamole, garantizado: Cómo los pequeños agricultores aportan el oro verde de México con datos, transparencia y colaboración

This is a translated article originally written as part of 1000L’s Forbes BrandVoice series. Read the English version here. —– Ah, los aguacates: Desde la guarnición de las tostadas de los Millenials hasta el maridaje perfecto de los chips de...